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lol people still say magic not op it is op i have alot of mr alot dmg reduction and still die lol aalot of hp my self and cms dont work properly actually

I think magic damage should be ranked.

Like magic dmg with longer cool down such as destroy should do more damage (But it should not be able to one shot a high level T5 knight) than magic with short cool down such as lightening.

Mage debuff magic cool down should be increased, frozen, silence dkpot etc.

Keep in mind that mage was over powered but so is elf :slight_smile:

Just want to have a more balanced pvp

Hey bro,

Let me know if you can get higher MR than 1400 MR. With many available items. I will give you GC as rewards. I even used a weapon that gives MR.

I can get higher than 1400

Lightning is not a short cooldown, it’s the second longest cooldown next to destroy (not counting aoe attacks)

like i’ve said over 100 doesn’t do anything extra and it shouldn’t, atleast not in pvp. AC will never decrease physical damage by 50% so why should you get to block more than that? CM blocks everything except for cancel so it does work properly not sure what you are talking about

I would be fighting to keep mage op too if i was a mage…

I would love for triple arrow distance to extend to max bow distance. There is a ‘healthy’ delay on that and delay in use with NB when using triple.


Yea, if mages get their rediculous, never intended, mistake in the damage calculations, off the charts dps back then us elves should get the no delay tripple arrow back…hey, whats fair is fair…lol

Shooting 3 shots from the edge of the screen at 400% increased damage definitely wouldn’t be broken good. There’s a reason why there’s a delay on there too…

Elf and mage are the 2 strongest classes right now so definitely don’t need to be handing out buffs


It’a about time mages got nerfed. They needed it. Their time should be over. They are way too overpowered. This change should not affect the top mages because that are already at T5 highest levels and they only use event gears that are activated by a gift shop bought item. If you can see a chart as to time spent playing and level reached mages would all be at the top. So Mages have the fastest leveling and they are the strongest.

Who remembers regular lineage when the mages hid behind everyone else? I know before you cry this is not original lineage. Mage time should be up regardless. It’s been in their favor long enough.

Now maybe take in actual levels vs level at a tier? i.e. A t3 lvl 50 should be able to beat a t1 lvl 100. Maybe by adding the actual level in the defense or damage calculation? Yes I am talking about having same gear and skill levels before you start saying bad players. remember orig lineage a lvl 49 attacking a lvl 70?

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Oh since i’m the highest level player on the server then you shouldn’t be complaining that i can kill you. Anyone who levels in event instances is levelling at the fastest possible you can do when combined with all the exp buffs, there’s no super fast mage grinding spot lmfao.

This change affects all mages strong or not, 70% reduction to all damage

Mage fast leveling area was Thebes before tiered mops ruined it, waaaay back in 2014. Heck we all had dial up back then!

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Maybe if aoe was viable at all now it would be good. As it is blizzard doesn’t do damage and meteor strike is such a short area that by the time you’ve rounded mobs up might aswell have killed them all single target.

I agree with some of what has been posted on this hotly contested topic. I agree that the highest level char in game should be the strongest and very difficult to beat. However, other very high level characters should be able to provide some type of fight and be able to avoid the one hit kills (provided that they are buffed to the max as deathreaper has been emphasizing). If a very high level player (T5 over lvl 100), other than mage, is fully buffed and still can’t put up a fight then I think the way to approach it is perhaps to enhance defensive measures a little bit to compensate those classes. Nothing major but enough to avoid the one hit kill.While nerfing a mage was definitely the easiest approach it affects all mages of at every level. From what I have seen, elves at or near my level could kill about as fast in areas like UG 3f and elemental areas of sky castle before the nerf. So I don’t think the nerf was the way to go. Again, I think it may have been better to slightly improve defensive capabilities of other classes and perhaps give melee classes additional offensive capabilities. I know this is going to start a new flurry of flames and blames but I think the magic nerf was the wrong approach.


Well put Breeze. I think buffing MR and defensive abilities tho is harder to do then just nerfing a specific class/ability. Otherwise I think MR and overall magic damage would have been fixed 4-5 years ago…

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That’s what i’ve been trying to say all along, it is very possible to tank mage damage with the right setup. JDZ was about on the same damage level as me yet fighting against him I could easily reduce his damage from a 1 hit kill to 8 hit kill and since magic damage doesn’t crit it’s very easy to play against seeing as you can tell what damage will be coming in each hit.

Perhaps the fix would be reducing the increased magic crit on the valakas claw staff+.

Each +1 on the weapon gives it +1 magic crit. So the staff which currently has a base magic critical of 20 (i think) could potentially have 40 magic crit. Magic critical makes a HUGE difference in how hard spells hit. There is no ‘crit’ in magic, it’s an increase on all hits.

Speaking of this, the actual Vala claw staff will never have the ability to get this high of a +, making it by far less valuable then the event staffs. Unless you can find the bank roll to buy 50+ protect weapon scrolls, which even those are far from guaranteed to succeed.

Don’t take away the magic crit, but lower the number increased by +ing the event staff. The staff is garbage without the crit, take it from the guy who tried to use it for a couple years and get ahead eventually bailing in it for melee.

