Valentines Day Event T-Shirts / Sky Castle Buffs / Happy Buffs

Hi Zajako,

Can you please have a look at some things that may not be working as expected for us?

  • Valentines Day Event T-Shirts

    Being that these are X grade items I would have expected that when you enchant them (+) them, that they would also gain +3 DR per enchant (+). As selfish as this is gonna sound, I would lose a lot of DR by using one of those TS

  • Sky Castle & Happy Buffs

    I know that when you log out now you are supposed to keep these buffs (I speak for all of us when i say THANKS). However I tested the sky buffs & the icons did not re-appear when I logged back in. I am not sure that I did get those buffs back as the -bufflist command does not normally show these buffs as being active.

    It could be that the buffs were still active and that it is just an issue with the icons (which I know are troublesome), but could you please look into this & let us know what the outcome is?

    I have not tested the happy buffs myself, but if another player has tested this, can you please post your findings on here so that Zajako can maybe look at those as well if they are not working as expected?

As always


Hello Zaj i have problem to dr for enchant in me greater shirt sasha +7 no add dr for enchant lose some dr about this and i test alot of time and up dmg 10% no 20 increased dmg 2-4% arround 12-14%more for the exdtra int/sp give sasha greater shirt +7 vs zaj ts lv 30 try solved this please thx